The #1 mistake most people make all the time…You’re using WAY too much detergent


If you’ve been filling up the bottle’s cap in order to measure out the right amount of detergent, you’ve been living a lie. More soap does not, in fact, mean cleaner clothes.

In 2010, The Wall Street Journal called out the epidemic of overpourers, warning us that the excess detergent makes a “[..] high foamy tide inside the machine, lifting soil and lint above the water level so it isn’t rinsed away.”

Basically, a bubble of horrible filth that will ensure that your clothing will never be truly clean.

How much is enough? Kerr recommends filling the cap no more than one third to one half of the way — and the half-way mark is really better for “heavily” soiled items. (There’s usually a fine line within the cap that indicates this point, but it’s usually so faint it’s tough to tell.)

LaundroMart FL
216 Pondella Road
N. Ft. Meyers, FL 33903
(239) 995-0260
